Senior Lecturer Research Fellow
Tanja Glucina

ORC-ID: 0000-0003-4380-7114
New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Auckland, New Zealand


Dr. Tanja is a practicing chiropractor, senior lecturer, and researcher specialising in qualitative and mixed methods research. She earned her PhD from Auckland University of Technology (AUT), where she developed a scale to assess the diverse aspects of professional identity in chiropractors, which underwent rigorous psychometric analysis to ensure its validity and reliability. Dr. Tanja also researches patient and chiropractor perspectives on various elements of chiropractic care, health, and well-being. Her work investigates quality of life, professional identity, health outcomes, and outcome measurement. Dr. Tanja has published over a dozen papers, including in the leading chiropractic premier journal, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Additionally, she has recently had three papers from her thesis work published in high-impact journals with a Q1 ranking in the social sciences.


- 2024: Auckland University of Technology PhD (School of Public Health and Psychosocial Studies)
- 2016: Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, BSc Health Science (1st class Hons)
- 2000: New Zealand School of Chiropractic, BSc (Chiropractic)
- 1998: University of Auckland, BSc (Psychology)


2020: Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching, Cert Adult TT


English, Croatian


Glucina, T. T., Krägeloh, C. U., Spencer, K., & Holt, K. (2024). Development and Validation of the Chiropractic Professional Identity Embodiment Scale (CPIES). Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 55, Article 101840.

Glucina, T. T., Krägeloh, C. U., Spencer, K., & Holt, K. (2023). Defining chiropractic professional identity: A concept analysis. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 35 (December 2021), 75–83.

Fox, M., Glucina, T.T., Stevens, K., Allen, K. (2023). Vitalism in a New Zealand chiropractic program. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2023;3.3. URL

Glucina, T., Gaskin, H., Fox, M., Holt, K. (2021). Practice characteristics of New Zealand chiropractors: A 2019 survey. Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal, 1(3).

Glucina, T. T., Krägeloh, C. U., Farvid, P., & Holt, K. (2020). Moving towards a contemporary chiropractic professional identity. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 39, Article 101105.

Glucina, T. Krägeloh, C., Farvid, P. (2019). Chiropractors’ Perspectives on the Meaning and Assessment of Quality of Life within their Practice: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 42(7), 480-491. Tanja Glucina CV Page 8 of 10 Russell, D., & Glucina, T. (2019). Reduced anxiety symptoms in a patient screened with the PHQ4 receiving chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic, 2, 41-48.

Russell, D., Glucina, T. (2018). Improvement in quality of life in a female patient with Crohn’s disease following chiropractic care for the correction of vertebral subluxation: A case report. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 46(1), 1–10. Jones, D., Glucina, T., Cade, A., Sherson, M., Russell, D. (2018). Changes in quality of life in four older adult patients receiving manual chiropractic care for the correction of vertebral subluxation: A case series. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 46(2). D’cruz, D., Clark, M., Cade, A., Glucina, T., Pritchard, K., Fox, M. (2018) An analysis of the initial chief complaints of older patients seeking chiropractic care at a chiropractic teaching clinic. The Journal of Chiropractic Education Accepted for Publication

Glucina, T., Farvid. P., Krageloh, C. (2017) New Zealand chiropractors’ perspectives on the meaning and assessment of “quality of life” in relation to chiropractic, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Russell, D., Glucina. T., Sherson. M., Bredin, M. (2017) A survey of the public perception of chiropractic after exposure to public place marketing events in New Zealand Journal of Chiropractic Humanities, 24 (1), 9-14. Russell, D.G., Glucina, T.T., Cade, A., Sherson, M.W., Alcantera J. (2017) Patient perceived and reported effectiveness of a course of chiropractic care in a teaching clinic following initial exposure to chiropractic through a public spinal screening. Chiropractic Journal of Australia 45(1), 1-15.

Humphris, T., Askin, A., Glucina-Russell, T.T. (2014). Resolution of non-synostotic plagiocephaly following chiropractic care: A case report. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Paediatrics Vol 14(3).

Conference Proceedings:

Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Spencer, K., Holt, K. (2023). Practice characteristics of the New Zealand chiropractic profession: A 2022 Survey. Proceedings of the 17
th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress Convention Accepted Platform Presentation: 11-14 October 2023, Gold Coast Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Spencer, K., Holt, K. (2023). Instrument construction and initial validation: The Chiropractic Professional Identity Subtype Orientation Scale (CPISOS). Proceedings of the 17th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress Convention Accepted Poster Presentation: 11-14 October 2023, Gold Coast

Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Spencer, K., Holt, K. (2021). Defining Chiropractic Professional Identity. CARLoquium 2022; Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership Congress. 1-3 March 2022, Virbella Tanja Glucina CV Page 9 of 10

Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Spencer, K., Holt, K. (2021). Defining Chiropractic Professional Identity. Proceedings of the 16th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress Convention 23-25 September 2021, Virtual Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Farvid, P., Holt, K. (2021). Moving towards a contemporary chiropractic professional identity. CARLoquium 2021; Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership Congress. 2-4 March 2021, Virbella

Glucina, T.T., Krageloh, C., Farvid, P. (2019). Chiropractors' perspectives on the Meaning and Assesment of Quality of Life within their Practice. Proceedings of the 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress. ECU Convention, 20-23 March 2019, Berlin, Germany

Glucina, T.T, Farvid. P., Krageloh, C, (2016) New Zealand chiropractors’ perspectives on the meaning and assessment of “quality of life” in relation to chiropractic practice: Annual Psychology Postgraduate Presentations Auckland University of Technology

Research Interests

Quality of Life Professional Identity Outcome Measures Patient Reported Outcome Measures Patient Perspectives Working/ Therapeutic Alliance Qualitative Research Mixed Methods Research.

- Independent Expert Advisor New Zealand Health and Disability Commission.
- Chiropractic Council Education Australasia NZ Foreign Entry Chiropractic Board Examiner.
- Independent Expert Advisor - Professional Conduct Committee; New Zealand Chiropractic Board.
- Council of Chiropractic Education Australasia site evaluation team member.
- Peer reviewer for various journals.
- Interviewee on Podcasts and Magazines discussing research.
- New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA) Research advisor for Media and Publicity Relations.
- New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA) Regional groups committee member.
- Hamblin Chiropractic Research Trust, Secretary.

Teaching interests

Philosophy, Professional Practice, Chiropractic Technique, Research